14 November 2010

SEO and rankings?

So Assured yesterday appeared on the 24th page for a related keyword search. That's not bad considering it's only been operational for a couple of weeks (arguably less). This morning, it appeared on page 21 which is an increase of 3 pages in 12 hours. Quite surprising and things are only beginning. The better news is that Assured has appeared ahead of some quite long established businesses. For now, this is great - we're doing okay considering the long term goal is months away.

However, this is not enough: the position needs to be much higher which requires more SEO ninja-fu. However, I'm pleased with progress so far.

The key thing is really to get useful content up on the site: something that people want to hear about. Moving up and down the rankings this far down is relatively easy - the challenge is to get to the front page and move up to top.

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